When you get those moments of clarity,
those flashes when the universe makes sense and you try despertely to hold on to them...
They are the life-boats for the darker times
when the vascenence of it all, the incomprehensivel nature of life is completely lucive...
So the question become or should it be all along:
What would you do if you knew you had one day, one week, or one month to live?
What life-boat would you grab on to?
Which secret would you tell?
What band would you see?
What person would you declare your love to?
What wish would you fulfill?
What exotic local would you fly to for coffee?
What book would wright?
What would You do??
To strive, To seek, To find and not to yield....
Isso, é como quem salta de um edificio...
ResponderEliminarSó sabes se te arrependes no momento em que sabes que não podes voltar atrás!
Teria de passar por esse tipo de experiência para comentar da forma mais concreta!
Mas sem dúvida tentaria que nada ficasse por dizer..
Disso já tenho a experiência..
Obrigado pela visita!
Volta sempre que desejares =)